The Commission has received information that individuals or groups of persons representing ADA FARM AGRI VENTURES ("ADA FARM") are enticing the public to invest in the said entity.
Based on the information gathered by the Commission, ADA FARM entices the public to invest by purchasing a minimum of ten (10) chicks worth Php500.00 with a guaranteed profit of 80% in 60 days.
The public is hereby informed that while ADA FARM is not registered with the Commission as a corporation or partnership and is NOT authorized to offer, solicit, sell or distribute any investment/securities. Such activities require a Secondary License from the Commission and the securities or investment product should likewise be registered with the SEC before they can be offered or sold to the public under Sections 8 and 12 of the Securities Regulation Code (SRC).
Consequently, those who act as salesmen, brokers, dealers or agents of ADA FARM in selling or convincing people to invest in the investment scheme including solicitations or recruitment through the internet may likewise be prosecuted and held criminally liable...