July 24, 2013


In its Memorandum dated 05 July 2013, the AMLC Secretariat (AMLCS) reported to the Council that:

On 3 April 2013, Assistant Secretary Eduardo Martin R. Meñez of the Office of United Nations and Other International Organizations, Department of Foreign Affairs furnished the Anti-Money Laundering Council Secretariat (AMLCS) a copy of Note No. SCA/13/13(1) dated 20 March 2012 of the Chairperson of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Committee established pursuant to Resolution 1970 (2011) on Libya. The Note updates an entry in the List of Individuals and Entities subject to asset freeze.

The details of the update are as follows:

Al-Senussi,Position: Director Title: Colonel
ColonelMilitary Intelligence.DOB: 1949.
AbdullahMilitary IntelligencePOB: Sudan
(Listed on 26involvement ina.k.a.: Ould Ahmed, Abdoullah
February 2011suppression of Passport number: B0515260
pursuant todemonstrations.DOB: 1948
paragraph 15Past history includesPOB: Anefif (Kidal), Mali
of Resolutionsuspicion of Date of issue: 10 Jan 2012
1970; on 17involvement in AbuPlace of issue: Bamako, Mali
March 2011Selim prisonDate of expiration: 10 Jan 2017
pursuant tomassacre. Convicteda.k.a.: Quid Ahmed, Abdoullah
paragraph 17in absentia for Mali ID number: 073/SPICRE
of Resolutionbombing of UTAPOB: Anefif, Mali
1970)flight. Brother-in-Date of issue:...

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