June 30, 2011
In its Memorandum dated 31 May 2011, the AMLC Secretariat (AMLCS) reported to the Council that:
On 23 March 2011, the United Nations Security Council Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee approved the addition of an individual to its Consolidated List ("Consolidated List") of individuals and entities subject to the asset freeze, travel ban and arms embargo set out in paragraph 1 1 of Security Council Resolution 1904 (2009) adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. The details of the individual added in the list are as follows:
C. Individuals associated with Al-Qaida
Name | : | 1: IBRAHIM 2: HASSAN 3: TALI 4: AL-ASIRI |
Name (original script) | : | |
Title | : | na |
Designation | : | na |
DOB | : | a) 19 Apr. 1982 b) 18 Apr. 1982 c) 24/06/1402 (Hijri Calendar) |
POB | : | Riyadh, Saudi Arabia |
Good quality a.k.a. | : | a) Ibrahim Hassan Tali Asiri b) Ibrahim Hasan Talea Aseeri c) Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri d) Ibrahim Hasan Tali Asiri e) Ibrahim Hassan Tali Assiri f) Ibrahim Hasan Tali'A 'Asiri...
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