January 31, 2005
TO : All Banks and Non-Bank Financial Institutions Under BSP Supervision
Attached is Resolution No. 06 (Series of 2005) dated 14 January 2005 issued by the Anti-Money Laundering Council relative to the request of the Government of the United States to check carefully for offices or financial assets of the following individuals, and to freeze the same should any be found:
1. Saad Rashed Mohammad AL-FAQIH a.k.a. Abu Uthman Sa'd AL-FAQIH; Sa'ad AL-FAQIH; Saad AL-FAGIH; Sa'd AL-FAQI; Saad AL-FAQIH; Saad AL FAQIH; Saad AL-FAGIH; Saad AL-FAKIH
Saad AL-FAQIH, a London-based Saudi Arabian national, is said to be having contact with Usama Bin Laden and Khaled al Fawwaz, Bin Laden's former de facto representative in the UK.
2. Adel Abdul Jalil BATTERJEE a.k.a. 'Adil AL-BATTARJEE; Adel BATTERJEE; 'Adil 'Abd al Jalil BATARJI
Adel Abdul Jalil Batterjee founded Lajnat al-Birr al-Islamiah (LBI) in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan with the purpose of providing financial and operational support to Mujahideen elements in Afghanistan and around the world, including fighters associated with Specially Designated Global Terrorist. aSTHDc
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