May 15, 2002
TO : All Banks and NBQBs
Pursuant to Item 2 of the Monetary Board Resolution No. 2020 dated November 17, 2000 instructing the BSP management to assist the Department of Finance (DOF) in setting up the monitoring system for Local Government Unit (LGU) bond issues, Schedules 2 (Schedule of Loan Portfolio and Other Accommodations) and 3 (Schedule of Trading Accounts Securities-Investments, Available for Sale Securities and Investments in Bonds and Other Debt Instruments) of the Consolidated Statement of Condition are amended by disaggregating the transactions with Local Government Units (LGUs), i.e., (1) loans extended to LGUs and (2) investments in debt instruments of LGUs, into provincial, city and municipal levels.
Moreover, the Schedule of Loan Portfolio and Other Accommodations (for Banks) and Schedules of Loans/Receivables, Trading Account Securities-Loans and Underwritten Debt Securities (for NBQBs) were also revised to update the list of 14 Non-Financial Public Enterprises.
For your ready reference and guidance, attached are the proposed formats, by type of bank/NBQBs, of Schedules 2 and 3, as revised –
I. | Schedule of Loan Portfolio...
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