March 1, 2002
TO : All Banks and Other Financial Intermediaries Performing Trust, Other Fiduciary Business and Investment Management Activities
The Monetary Board, in its Resolution No. 212 dated February 14, 2002, approved the revision of the Manual of Accounts for Trust, Other Fiduciary Business and Investment Management Activities and the following pertinent report forms to conform with the new Manual of Accounts:
1. Report on Trust and Other Fiduciary Business and Investment Management Activities with prescribed schedules —
BSP 7-16-35 TR for banks with authority to engage in trust business
BSP 7-26-23 TR for investment houses with authority to engage in trust business
2. Report on Investment Management Activities with prescribed schedules —
BSP 7-16-35 IM for banks with authority to engage in investment management activities
BSP 7-26-23 IM for investment houses with authority to engage in investment management activities
The new forms will be used beginning with the reports as at March 31, 2002. Likewise, the Trust Accounts Template provided under Circular Nos. 108 and 201 dated May 6, 1996 and May 1, 1999, respectively, will be revised.