Guidelines for the Applications for RapidPass QR Codes for Those Who Have Been Issued IATF IDs

April 30, 2020


TO:Capital Market Institutions, Participants and Employees
RE:Guidelines for the Applications for RapidPass QR Codes for Those Who Have Been Issued IATF IDs

In line with its task to fast track movement and access of frontliners at designated checkpoints during the Enhanced Community Quarantine, the Department of Information and Communications Technology ("DICT") in partnership with DEVCON Community of Technology Experts ("DCTx") launched the RapidPass System.

Under the RapidPass System, individuals who are exempted from the strict work from home requirement under Resolution No. 13 of the Inter-Agency Task Force ("IATF") shall be given a unique digital pass with QR Code which checkpoint personnel will scan for easier identification. 1


1. Completely accomplished Bulk Registration Form

2. Signed Attestation Form

The forms can be accessed here:

In accomplishing the forms, please be mindful of the following:

a) Make sure to complete the * Required Fields in the forms.

b) Do not delete any columns as the sheet is strictly matched in the system.

c) The attestation form must be in PDF format while the registration...

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