[SEC-SICD * CASE NO. 4278. January 5, 1999.]
MARIO V. TIAOQUI, ET AL., complainants, vs. FERNANDO M. DE CASTRO, respondent.
The parties filed last December 15, 1998, a motion entitled "JOINT MOTION TO APPROVE AND TO RENDER JUDGMENT BASED ON COMPROMISE AGREEMENT," the contents of which is quoted in toto, to wit: cda
THE PARTIES respectfully submit for the approval of this Honorable Commission the following Compromise Agreement:
WHEREAS, the First Parties and the Second Parties are the shareholders of Grand Ventures, Inc., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines with SEC Registration No. 174825, referred hereafter as the "Corporation";
WHEREAS, the First Parties filed, on July 16, 1992, a Complaint for Damages with Application for the Appointment of a Management Committee against the Second Parties with the Securities Investigation and Clearing Department of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which complaint is lodged as Case No. 4278. Cdpr
WHEREAS, on August 20, 1992, the First Parties' shares of stock in the corporation were sold pursuant to...