The ________________________________________________________ (Full Name of CORPORATION Applying for Listing) with corporate address at ________________________________________ and incorporated on __________ (date)at _______________ place)hereby applies for the
1. Complete official title of issue to be listed: cd
2. Capital Structure (in tabular form):
a) Authorized Capital Stock;
b) Number and classes of shares of the authorized capital stock;
c) Designation or title of each class of shares;
d) Brief description of the rights and privileges attached to each class of shares;
e) Number of shares issued and outstanding;
f) Amount of subscribed capital;
g) Amount of paid-up capital;
h) Par value.
3. Full title or designation of securities for which listing is applied, and whether the securities are fully paid;
a) Number of shares to be listed;
b) Number of shares previously listed (if any)
(Application should be made to list only that part of the share capital which has been issued and shares to be issued, in connection with this listing application.)
4. Shares for Public Offering
a) Number of shares for public offering aisadc
b) Offer Price
c) Description of the method of offering
d) Application of Proceeds
5. Name...