The Billion Coin (TBC)

April 14, 2020



Based on information gathered by the Commission, the entities operating under name THE BILLION COIN (TBC) by KRIS KRINGLE are engaged in investment-taking activities in the Philippines which are NOT AUTHORIZED by the Commission.

TBC promotes its "TBCoin" as a true and decentralized cryptocurrency that aims to revolutionize the global financial system in order to eradicate world poverty.

Unlike Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies which strictly follow the market-driven norms, the value of TBCoin is said to be user-based because its price apparently increases depending on the number of its users/holders or investors. As such, TBC called it as an "Abundance-based Cryptocurrency."

As posted online, TBC claims that the value of its TBCoin will never drop and shall continuously increase by One to Five Percent (1%-5%) daily until it finally reaches One Billion Euros (€1,000,000,000.00) per One TBCoin (1 TBC). To wit:

Basically, TBC devises its own parameter in generating the value of its TBCoin based on the total number of TBC's investors multiplied by One Euro (€1) which means...

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