[SEC-SICD * CASE NO. 1829. May 27, 1980.]
VICTOR J. LUCIANO, petitioner, vs. HARRY ANG PING, ET AL., respondents.
This is an appeal from the Order of Hearing Officer Antonio Manabat dated April 18, 1980 granting petitioner-appellee's application for the issuance of the writ of preliminary injunction against respondent-appellant Harry Ang Ping. cdrep
On the basis of the pleading in support of the appealed Order and considering that the election of the respondent-appellant Harry Ang Ping was alleged to be tainted with some anomalies and irregularities, the merits of which are now being heard in the principal case, it is the considered opinion of the Commission that the Order issued by the Hearing Officer lifting the Restraining Order insofar as the three (3) respondent executive vice-presidents are concerned but not with respect to the respondent-appellant, should not be disturbed at this stage. Precisely his qualification is the question to be determined in the hearing of the principal case. To lift the Restraining Order in favor of respondent Harry Ang Ping would in effect...