The Commission has received information that individuals or group of persons representing WEECLICK CLUB ("WEECLICK") are enticing the public to invest in the said entity online or through the internet. HTcADC
Based on the information gathered by the Commission, WEECLICK entices the public to invest by offering membership package or account worth Php500.00 (Paylite) and Php1,000.00 (Advance). Details of the offering are as follows:
• Paylite — A member can earn Php2.50 per captcha maximum of 10 captcha per day or Php25.00
• Advance — A member can earn Php2.50 per captcha maximum of 20 captcha per day or Php50.00
• Php500.00 minimum withdrawal per account
• A member with Advance account can purchase a maximum of 7 advance account which will earn Php350.00 (Php50.00 x 7 accounts) per day or Php10,850.00 (Php350.00 x 31 days) per month
• A member needs to invite two people in order to pay out
• 110% return on ads clicking
The public is hereby informed that WEECLICK is not registered with the Commission as a corporation or partnership and is NOT authorized to offer, solicit,...