Amended by
Executive Orders

Abolishing the Office of Muslim Affairs and Cultural Communities.

Executive Order No. 122

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 122 January 30, 1987


RECALLING that the reorganization of the government is mandated expressly on Article II, Section 1 (a), and Article III of the Freedom Constitution;

HAVING IN MIND that pursuant to Executive Order No. 5 (1986) it is directed that necessary and proper changes in the organizational and functional structures of the government, its agencies and instrumentalities be effected in order to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of public services;

AFFIRMING that the new administration is committed to formulate and implement more rigorous development policies, plans, programs, and projects for Tribunal Filipinos otherwise known as Indigenous Cultural Communities, and for Muslim Filipinos, taking into consideration their respective aspirations, customs, traditions, institutions and interests, in order to promote and preserve their rich cultural heritage and insure their involvement in the country's national unity and development;

AFFIRMING FURTHER that the creation of specialized agencies and functions has become a national demand necessary to effectively realize...

Summary of Executive Order No. 122

Abolition of Office of Muslim Affairs and Cultural Communities (Section 2)
- Abolishes the Office of Muslim Affairs and Cultural Communities.
- Creates the Office for Northern Cultural Communities, Office for Southern Cultural Communities, and Office on Muslim Affairs.
- The new offices absorb the functions of the Bureau of National Minorities and Bureau of Muslim Affairs, respectively.

Division of Assets and Liabilities (Section 3)
- Assets and liabilities of the defunct offices are divided as follows:
• Assets of the former Presidential Assistant on National Minorities and Bureau of National Minorities go to the Offices for Northern and Southern Cultural Communities. (Section 3a)
• Assets of the former Ministry of Muslim Affairs and Bureau of Muslim Affairs go to the Office on Muslim Affairs. (Section 3b)
• Staff services assets are inventoried and divided among the three new offices. (Section 3c)
• Unexpended balances, savings, and liabilities are divided among the three new offices. (Section 3d)

Implementation (Section 4)
- The President will designate an implementing agency to oversee the implementation of Section 3.

Personnel (Section 5)
- Officers and employees of the abolished office will continue their duties in a hold-over capacity unless separated under Executive Order No. 17 or the Freedom Constitution.
- Their rights and privileges will be governed by the executive orders creating the new offices.

Exercise of Police Power (Section 6)
- The abolition is an exercise of the State's police power.

Funding (Section 7)
- Funds needed will be taken from the abolished office's available funds.

Separability (Section 8)
- If any portion is declared unconstitutional, the remaining portions can still subsist if they can be given effect in their entirety.

Repealing Clause (Section 9)
- All inconsistent laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and issuances are repealed or modified accordingly.

Effectivity (Section 10)
- This Executive Order takes effect immediately upon approval of the executive orders creating the three new offices.

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