Amended by
Executive Orders

Creating a Ministry of Labor and Employment Zonal Extension Office at the Bataan Export Processing Zone

Executive Order No. 867

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 867 January 30, 1983


WHEREAS, export processing zones in the country are established to carry out the policy of the government of encouraging and promoting foreign commerce with a view to making the Philippines, a center of international trade, strengthening export trade and foreign exchange position, hastening industrialization, reducing domestic unemployment, and accelerating the development of the country;

WHEREAS, there is a need to assist these export processing zones in increasing their effectiveness and capability to achieve their objectives;

WHEREAS, the Bataan Export Processing Zone, in particular, requires effective service delivery from the Ministry of Labor and Employment in order to maintain its capability and competitive position;

WHEREAS, the present facilities of the Ministry of Labor and Employment in the Bataan Export Processing Zone are inadequate to provide quick response and effective service for among others, the effective prevention and settlement of labor disputes including the protection and promotion of workers' welfare and...

Summary of Executive Order No. 867

Establishment of Ministry of Labor and Employment (MOLE) Zonal Extension Office
- A MOLE Zonal Extension Office is established in the Bataan Export Processing Zone to provide labor and employment services in the area. (Section 1)
- The office will exercise original and exclusive jurisdiction over labor cases arising within the Zone, implement applicable laws and MOLE programs, and provide labor and manpower services. (Section 2)

Organizational Structure and Staffing
- The office will be headed by an Assistant Regional Director under the supervision of the MOLE Regional Director in Region III. (Section 3)
- Adequate staff support will be provided to carry out MOLE's programs and projects in the Zone. (Section 3)

Incentives and Facilities
- Staff will be entitled to free quarters within the MOLE Zonal Extension Office Building, incentive allowances of up to 50% of their annual salary, and other emoluments allowed by the Office of Budget and Management. (Section 4)
- At least one motor vehicle will be provided to the office for mobility. (Section 6)

Coordination and Funding
- Close coordination between MOLE and the Export Processing Zone Administration is required regarding their policies and objectives. (Section 5)
- The Office of Budget and Management and MOLE are authorized to allocate personnel for the office. (Section 7)
- An amount of One Million Pesos (P1,000,000.00) is authorized for the operations of the MOLE Zonal Extension Office at Bataan. (Section 7)

Repealing Clause and Effectivity
- Inconsistent laws, decrees, orders, rules, and regulations are repealed or modified accordingly. (Section 8)
- The Executive Order takes effect immediately. (Section 9)

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