EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 386 December 19, 1989
WHEREAS, proper law enforcement, improved public safety and effective administration of justice require comprehensive, adequate and timely information on crimes, criminals and the operations of the Criminal Justice System;
WHEREAS, advances in computerized and related communications technology now make in both practical and feasible to obtain, store, manage and disseminate such data more completely, relevantly, and effectively;
WHEREAS, the installation of a National Crime Information System (NCIS) will help in the identification and apprehension of criminals, improve the efficiency of criminal justice agencies, and ultimately help reduce crimes through better planning and use of manpower, equipment and government resources;
WHEREAS, statistics which can be derived as a by-product from the information handled by such a system can be utilized in determining the nature, causes and volume of crimes in the country; to form a basis for the study of the crime, police methods, court procedures, and penal problems; and...
Executive Orders
Establishing A National Crime Information System (NCIS), Providing the Mechanisms Therefor and For Other Similar Purposes
Executive Order No. 386
Establishing a National Crime Information System (NCIS)
- Adopts the policy of promoting the development of an integrated computer-based NCIS involving cooperation of the five pillars of the Criminal Justice System. (Section 1)
- The NCIS shall have a central database containing information on crimes, offenders, victims, and matters related to administration of justice based on crime reports from law enforcement agencies and case updates from other pillars. (Section 2)
- Establishment of NCIS has two phases:
- Phase I (5 years): Establishment of Offender-Based Crime Information System (OBCIS) to monitor incidents of arrests, dispositions, convictions, confinement, and release of offenders. Involves offices under the five pillars: (Section 3)
1. Law Enforcement: Philippine Constabulary/Integrated National Police, National Bureau of Investigation, National Police Commission
2. Prosecution: National Prosecution Service, Tanodbayan, Judge Advocate General Service
3. Courts: Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Sandiganbayan, Regional Trial Courts, Metropolitan and Municipal Courts
4. Corrections: Bureau of Corrections, Parole and Probation Administration, Office of Jail Management and Penology, Provincial Jails, Board of Pardons and Parole
5. Community: Department of Local Government, Department of Social Welfare and Development
- Phase II (5 years): Development of crime information systems related to other offices not covered in Phase I, including computer upgrading, systems development, and manpower training.
- National Police Commission shall develop mechanisms for integrating and coordinating different sub-systems under each pillar and maintain criminal justice statistics. (Section 4)
- National Bureau of Investigation shall act as a national clearing house of criminal and other information and provide technical aid to prosecuting, law enforcement entities, and courts. (Section 5)
- Philippine Constabulary/Integrated National Police is designated as the principal agency to provide accurate and timely crime information to support police operations. (Section 6)
- National Uniform Crime Case Reports (NUCCR) shall be used primarily for crime reporting. (Section 7)
- Various departments/bureaus/offices shall be responsible for establishing systems to generate crime information in their respective areas of concern. (Section 8)
- The Chairman of the National Police Commission, Director of the National Bureau of Investigation, Chief of Constabulary and Director General of the Integrated National Police, and Secretary General of the National Statistical Coordination Board shall promulgate rules and regulations and create a Technical Committee responsible for implementation. (Section 9)
- The National Bureau of Investigation, Philippine Constabulary/Integrated National Police, National Police Commission, and National Statistical Coordination Board shall establish linkages with agencies/offices concerned with crime information. (Section 10)
- Initial funding shall be taken from authorized appropriations of concerned agencies, and subsequent appropriations shall be incorporated in budget proposals. (Section 11)
- The Executive Order shall take effect immediately. (Section 12)
Establishing a National Crime Information System (NCIS)
- Adopts the policy of promoting the development of an integrated computer-based NCIS involving cooperation of the five pillars of the Criminal Justice System. (Section 1)
- The NCIS shall have a central database containing information on crimes, offenders, victims, and matters related to administration of justice based on crime reports from law enforcement agencies and case updates from other pillars. (Section 2)
- Establishment of NCIS has two phases:
- Phase I (5 years): Establishment of Offender-Based Crime Information System (OBCIS) to monitor incidents of arrests, dispositions, convictions, confinement, and release of offenders. Involves offices under the five pillars: (Section 3)
1. Law Enforcement: Philippine Constabulary/Integrated National Police, National Bureau of Investigation, National Police Commission
2. Prosecution: National Prosecution Service, Tanodbayan, Judge Advocate General Service
3. Courts: Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Sandiganbayan, Regional Trial Courts, Metropolitan and Municipal Courts
4. Corrections: Bureau of Corrections, Parole and Probation Administration, Office of Jail Management and Penology, Provincial Jails, Board of Pardons and Parole
5. Community: Department of Local Government, Department of Social Welfare and Development
- Phase II (5 years): Development of crime information systems related to other offices not covered in Phase I, including computer upgrading, systems development, and manpower training.
- National Police Commission shall develop mechanisms for integrating and coordinating different sub-systems under each pillar and maintain criminal justice statistics. (Section 4)
- National Bureau of Investigation shall act as a national clearing house of criminal and other information and provide technical aid to prosecuting, law enforcement entities, and courts. (Section 5)
- Philippine Constabulary/Integrated National Police is designated as the principal agency to provide accurate and timely crime information to support police operations. (Section 6)
- National Uniform Crime Case Reports (NUCCR) shall be used primarily for crime reporting. (Section 7)
- Various departments/bureaus/offices shall be responsible for establishing systems to generate crime information in their respective areas of concern. (Section 8)
- The Chairman of the National Police Commission, Director of the National Bureau of Investigation, Chief of Constabulary and Director General of the Integrated National Police, and Secretary General of the National Statistical Coordination Board shall promulgate rules and regulations and create a Technical Committee responsible for implementation. (Section 9)
- The National Bureau of Investigation, Philippine Constabulary/Integrated National Police, National Police Commission, and National Statistical Coordination Board shall establish linkages with agencies/offices concerned with crime information. (Section 10)
- Initial funding shall be taken from authorized appropriations of concerned agencies, and subsequent appropriations shall be incorporated in budget proposals. (Section 11)
- The Executive Order shall take effect immediately. (Section 12)