Amended by
Executive Orders

Establishing an Integrated Area Management System for Agricultural Services

Executive Order No. 803

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 803 May 21, 1982


WHEREAS, under the New Republic, national economic development shall be pursued with renewed dedication and determination;

WHEREAS, the provisions of adequate and timely agricultural services and inputs is essential to the attainment of the desired level of growth in the agriculture sector as well as self-sufficiency in food;

WHEREAS, while there are various government agencies responsible for the delivery of such agricultural services and input in the rural areas, there is no mechanism for securing the desired coordination and integration of their operations for any given area;

WHEREAS, there is therefore need to provided an effective administrative framework that will secure the integration and coordination of agricultural services and inputs and thus allow the government to more effectively respond to the requirements of development in any given rural area;

WHEREAS, it would be desirable to adopt the integrated area management concept as the appropriate mechanism for unifying government efforts at providing agricultural services;

WHEREAS, as...


Establishing an Integrated Area Management System for Agricultural Services

- Establishes an integrated area management system for agricultural services to unify the operations of various government agencies involved in the delivery of agricultural services and inputs for any given area of operations. (Section 1)

- At the national level:
• The Ministry of Agriculture, with the assistance of the National Food and Agriculture Council, shall formulate policies, plans, programs, and guidelines, including the integrated implementation of the delivery of agricultural services and inputs. (Section 2)
• It shall be responsible for overseeing, general coordination, and monitoring of operations and activities related to agricultural services and inputs. (Section 2)

- At the regional level:
• A Regional Agricultural Land Classification Committee is created, responsible for identifying specific areas for agricultural purposes in the provinces within the region. (Section 3)
• The committee shall operate as a sub-committee of the Regional Development Council and shall be composed of the Regional Director of the National Economic and Development Authority as Chairman, and the Regional Directors of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Human Settlements, the Ministry of Local Government, and the Ministry of Natural Resources as members. (Section 3)
• Agricultural research programs and training programs may be coordinated at the regional level. (Section 3)

- At the provincial level:
• The provincial governors shall have the basic responsibility and authority for the general coordination and supervision of the operations of various agencies involved in the delivery of agricultural services and inputs within the province. (Section 4(a))
• A Provincial Agricultural Council shall be established, headed by the governor, to serve as the mechanism for achieving coordination and harmonization of operations of agencies providing farm services and inputs in the province. (Section 4(b))
• The Provincial Agricultural Council shall be composed of senior representatives of agencies responsible for agricultural services and inputs, including the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Natural Resources, National Irrigation Administration, Farms Systems Development Corporation, Ministry of Public Works and Highways, Philippine National Bank, Development Bank of the Philippines, Land Bank of the Philippines, Agricultural Credit Administration, provincial rural banks association, Ministry of Local Government, National Food Authority, and specialized agencies such as the Ministry of Agrarian Reform, National Council on Integrated Area Development, Philippine Virginia Tobacco Administration, Philippine Tobacco Administration, Philippine Coconut Authority, Philippine Sugar Commission, and Fiber Development Authority. (Section 4(c))
• The provincial governor shall be assisted by a provincial agricultural executive officer, preferably the provincial agriculturist, who shall be responsible for the day-to-day coordination of operations and activities pertaining to the delivery of agricultural services and inputs. (Section 4(d))

- At the city, municipal, and barangay levels:
• City/municipal agricultural action officers shall be designated by the provincial governor, preferably from among the appropriate senior national government officials in the city/municipality, to be under the overall supervision and control of the provincial agricultural executive officer. (Section 5)
• The city/municipal agricultural action officers shall be responsible for the direct coordination of agricultural extension workers of all agencies assigned to the various barangays comprising the city/municipality. (Section 5)
• Their responsibilities include implementing the provincial agricultural development program, assigning extension workers to barangays, identifying operational problems and measures for their solution, and performing other related functions. (Section 5)

- The Minister of Agriculture is authorized to issue necessary orders and regulations to implement the provisions of this Executive Order. (Section 6)

- All laws, decrees, orders, proclamations, rules, regulations, or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Executive Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. (Section 7)

- Any portion or provision of this Executive Order that may be declared unconstitutional shall not have the effect of nullifying the other provisions thereof, provided that such remaining portions can still stand and be given effect in their entirety to accomplish the objectives of this Executive Order. (Section 8)

- This Executive Order shall take effect immediately. (Section 9)

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