Amended by
Executive Orders

Executive Order Numbered Two, current series, is hereby amended to read as follows:

Executive Order No. 7


Executive Order Numbered Two, current series, is hereby amended to read as follows:

John C. Mehan, Ramon Fernandez, the city superintendent of schools, Antonio C. Torres, Felipe R. Caballero and Elwood S. Brown are hereby appointed a playground committee for the city of Manila to act in an advisory capacity to the present Park Board and to foster public interest in the playground movement, arrange for the training of supervisors, recommended a comprehensive plan for yearly operation, suggest the type of equivalent necessary, plan and conduct play festivals, and display such other activities as may be necessary in connection with playgorund work. Any action and the recommendations of this committee should be presented to the Municipal Board of the city of Manila."

Acting Governor-General

Summary of Executive Order No. 7

Appointment of Playground Committee for the City of Manila
- Executive Order No. 2 is amended to appoint the following individuals as members of the Playground Committee for the City of Manila: John C. Mehan, Ramon Fernandez, the city superintendent of schools, Antonio C. Torres, Felipe R. Caballero, and Elwood S. Brown. (Entire law)
- The committee will act in an advisory capacity to the present Park Board. (Entire law)
- The committee's responsibilities include:
    - Fostering public interest in the playground movement. (Entire law)
    - Arranging for the training of supervisors. (Entire law)
    - Recommending a comprehensive plan for yearly operation. (Entire law)
    - Suggesting the type of equipment necessary. (Entire law)
    - Planning and conducting play festivals. (Entire law)
    - Undertaking other activities necessary for playground work. (Entire law)
- The committee's actions and recommendations should be presented to the Municipal Board of the City of Manila. (Entire law)

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