Amended by
Executive Orders

Implementing a family planning program at the local government level

Executive Order No. 307

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 307 February 28, 1996


WHEREAS, Section 15, Article II, of the Philippine Constitution provides that, "the State shall protect and promote the right to health of the people and instill health consciousness among them";

WHEREAS, Section 3, Article XV, of the Philippine Constitution provides that, "the State shall defend:

1. The right of spouses to found a family in accordance with their religious convictions and demands of responsible parenthood;

2. The right of children to assistance, including proper care and nutrition, and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation and other conditions prejudicial to their development;

3. The right of the family to a family wage and income; and

4. The right of families or family associations to participate in planning and implementation of policies and programs that affect them".

WHEREAS, to arrest the problem of high infant and maternal mortality, there is a need to implement an earnest Philippine Family Planning Program, emphasizing safe motherhood and...


Implementing a Family Planning Program at the Local Government Level

- Promotes the Philippine Family Planning Program as a priority government program (Section 1)
    - Advocacy activities
    - Vigorous and sustained participation of local officials in program management
    - Use of local facilities, services of local service providers and other local employees
    - Utilization of other local resources and expertise

- Ensures availability of information and services for all methods including Natural Family Planning endorsed by the program at appropriate service outlets, adhering to quality standards (Section 2)

- Ensures the practice of family planning is purely voluntary, based on freedom of conscience and respect for sanctity of life (Section 3)

- Provides necessary budgetary support to the program (Section 4)

- Coordinates with and seeks assistance from national agencies like the Department of Health and members of the Population Commission involved in the Philippine Family Planning Program (Section 5)

- Coordinates and encourages involvement of non-government organizations and private commercial sector in the Philippine Family Planning Program, in the spirit of public-private sector partnership (Section 6)

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Metro Manila Philippines

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