Amended by
Executive Orders

Rationalizing Public Works Measures, Appropriating Funds For Public Works, and For Other Purposes

Executive Order No. 182

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 182 June 3, 1987


WHEREAS, there are unreleased balances of appropriations in the amount of P70,777,487,000 authorized for infrastructure projects under the nine existing Public Works Appropriations Acts, namely Presidential Decrees Nos. 693, 759, 931, 1062, 1342 and 1979, and Batas Pambansa Blg. 13, 50, and 132;

WHEREAS, as a review of developmental thrusts in general, and revision in priorities, scopes, costs, and implementation schedules of infrastructure projects in particular, in accordance with the new Medium Term Philippine Development Plan and the Medium Term Public Investment Program, is necessary in view of major political and socio-economic changes which have taken place since the enactment of the nine Public Works Appropriations Acts;

WHEREAS, consistent with the development objectives, thrusts and priorities of the government, all existing public works measures must be rationalized under one law for better administration and control;

WHEREAS, Article XVIII, Section 6 of the 1987 Constitution provides, that: "The incumbent...

Rationalizing Public Works Measures, Appropriating Funds for Public Works, and for Other Purposes

- Unreleased balances of appropriations amounting to P70,777,487,000 authorized for infrastructure projects under nine existing Public Works Appropriations Acts (Sec. 1)
- Review and revision of priorities, scopes, costs, and implementation schedules of infrastructure projects necessary due to major political and socio-economic changes (Sec. 2)
- Rationalization of all existing public works measures under one law for better administration and control (Sec. 3)
- Provisions:
  • Appropriation of P70,777,487,000 for infrastructure projects (Sec. 4)
  • Funds to be released based on the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan and the Medium Term Public Investment Program (Sec. 4)
  • Funds to be released by the President upon recommendation of the National Economic and Development Authority (Sec. 4)
  • Funds to be used for infrastructure projects, including but not limited to construction, repair, rehabilitation, and improvement of roads, bridges, flood control, drainage, and other public works (Sec. 4)
  • Executive Order to take effect immediately upon approval (Sec. 5)
- Issued by President Corazon C. Aquino under the legislative powers granted by the 1987 Constitution (Preamble)

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