1-Ugrand Trading, Inc.

June 9, 2020



Based on the information gathered by the Commission, a number of individuals or group of persons claiming to represent 1-UGRAND TRADING, INC. ("1UGRAND") headed by a certain Richard Aquino, are enticing the public to invest their money in said entity.

As posted online, 1UGRAND is offering investments to the public by paying an Entry Fee amounting to Php500.00 per account. A member may avail of up to thirty-one (31) accounts.

It is worth noting that a member has a guaranteed Php800.00 income in just eight (8) days per account or equivalent to sixty percent (60%), ON TOP of all other ways to earn.

Below are the ways to earn:

1. Direct Referral Bonus amounting to Php50.00 for every direct recruits;

2. Pairing Bonus amounting to Php100.00 per pair for a maximum of 10 pairs per day. However, for every 5th pair, the pairing bonus is converted into products;

3. Unilevel Bonus amounting to Php5.00 from the recruit of his direct recruit up to the 10th level; and

4. Click Ads Bonus amounting...

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Metro Manila Philippines

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