All Banks and Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries

October 28, 1975


TO : All Banks and Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries

It is requested that all commercial banks, savings and mortgage banks, private development banks, specialized government banks (Development Bank of the Philippines, Land Bank of the Philippines and Philippine Amanah Bank) and building and loan associations submit to the Department of Commercial and Savings Banks; rural banks, stock savings and loan associations and non-stock savings and loan associations to the Department of Rural Banks and Savings and Loan Associations; and investment houses, financing companies, investment companies, security dealers/brokers and lending investors to the Department of Financial Intermediaries (Non-Bank) the following information within ten (10) days from receipt of this memorandum: cdtai

1. Name of Institution

2. Address

3. P.O. Box Number

4. Cable address or cable code

5. Board of Directors including Corporate Secretary:

a. Names of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Directors

b. Number of directors per By-laws

c. Number of vacancies in the Board

d. Names of corporations where they serve as Chairman of the Board or as President and names of other business enterprises of which they are proprietors or partners

e. For the...

AIC Grande Tower Garnet Road
Ortigas Center, Pasig City
Metro Manila Philippines

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