May 23, 2012


In its Memorandum dated 16 May 2012, the AMLC Secretariat (AMLCS) reported to the Council that:

On 10 April 2012, Assistant Secretary Eduardo Martin R. Meñez of the Office of United Nations and other International Organizations, Department of Foreign Affairs furnished the AMLC Secretariat a copy of the Implementation Assistance Notice No. 1 dated 7 March 2012 issued by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Committee established pursuant to Resolution 1970 (2011) on Libya. The Implementation Assistance No. 1 provides:


Subsidiaries of the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA, a.k.a. Libyan Arab Foreign Investment Company or LAFICO) and the Libyan Africa Investment Portfolio (LAIP)

In response to requests for guidance received from Member States concerning the proper implementation of the asset freeze measure imposed in Security Council Resolutions 1970 (2011), 1973 (2011) and modified in Resolution 2009 (2011), the Committee would like to note that subsidiaries of the LIA and the LAIP are not subject to the asset freeze measure. HAaDTE

Therefore, Member States are not obligated to keep frozen assets...

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