September 3, 2004
WHEREAS, Sec. 7.2 of R.A. 9160, as amended, provides:
". . . The AMLC shall act unanimously in the discharge of its functions as defined hereunder: SEDIaH
1. . . .
2. to issue orders addressed to the appropriate Supervising Authority or the covered institution to determine the true identity of the owner of any monetary instrument or property subject of a covered transaction or suspicious transaction report or request for assistance from a foreign State, or believed by the Council, on the basis of substantial evidence, to be, in whole or in part, wherever located, representing, involving or related to, directly or indirectly, in any manner or by any means, the proceeds of an unlawful activity."
WHEREAS, Sec. 22 of said Act further provides:
Sec. 22. Repealing Clause. — All laws, decrees, executive orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof, including the relevant provisions of Republic Act No. 1405, as amended; Republic Act No. 6426, as amended; Republic Act No. 8791, as amended and other similar laws, as are inconsistent with this Act, are...