Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) Resolution No. 83 dated 01 September 2010

Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas

BSP Circular Letters

BSP Circular Letter No. CL-2010-058

September 15, 2010


TO:All Banks and Non-Bank Financial Institutions Under BSP Supervision
SUBJECT:Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) Resolution No. 83 dated 01 September 2010

Pursuant to Anti-Money Laundering Council Resolution No. 83 dated 01 September 2010 (copy attached), you are hereby informed that on 09 August 2010, the Chairman of the Security Council Committee conveyed to the Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the United Nations (UN) that the UN Security Council Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions (SCAQTS) Committee approved on 06 August 2010 the addition of (1) MOHAMMAD ILYAS KASHMIRI, (2) HARAKAT-UL JIHAD ISLAMI, (3) LIONEL DUMONT, (4) KHALIL BEN AHMED BEN MOHAMED JARRAYA, and (5) NEDAL MAHMOUD SALEH to its Consolidated List of Individuals and Entities subject to the Assets Freeze, Travel Ban and Arms Embargo set out in paragraph 1 of Security Council Resolution 1904 (2009) adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of United Nations.

Under the same resolution, all covered institutions are directed to submit to the Council reports of covered or suspicious transactions, if any,...

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