October 20, 2004


TO : All Banks and Non-Bank Financial Institutions under BSP Supervision

The Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC), in its Resolution No. 419 dated 5 October 2004, copy attached, enjoins your support and cooperation to the request of the United States Government, thru its Embassy in Manila, to check carefully for offices or financial assets belonging to the following:

a. Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation (AHF)

b. Suliman Al-Buthe, Director of the US Branch of the Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation

and to freeze the same should any be found.

They are suspected of engaging in activities on behalf of and in support of the Al-Qaida. bspcda2004

Pursuant to said resolution, you are hereby directed to submit directly to the AMLC reports of covered and suspicious transactions, if any, involving the Al-Haramain Foundation and Mr. Suliman Al-Buthe. DSITEH

For your strict compliance.

Deputy Governor


The Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation (AHF) represents itself as a private, charitable and educational organization dedicated to promoting Islamic teaching throughout the world. The Saudi Arabia based Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation (AHF) branch offices in Indonesia, Kenya, Tanzania...

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