September 16, 2002


TO : All Banks and Off-Shore Banking Units

For your information, quoted hereunder is Resolution No. 132 dated September 11, 2002 of the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC), created under the provisions of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9160, otherwise known as the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001(AMLA). STaHIC

"Resolution No. 132, Series of 2002

The Council, by unanimous vote, decided as follows:

WHEREAS, the United States of America and the Government of Italy issued a list of Al Qaida/UBL-linked terrorist and terrorist-related institutions.

WHEREAS, Sections 2, 7(8) and 13 (a) & (b) of the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001 (AMLA) and Rule 7.2 (8) and Rule 13.1 and 13.2 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations authorize the Council to receive and take action in respect of any request made by a foreign state for assistance in the investigation and prosecution of money laundering offense, anti-terrorism and terrorist financing as well as in tracking down, freezing, restraining and seizing assets alleged to be proceeds of any unlawful activity and the giving of information needed by the foreign state within...

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