June 28, 1976
TO : All Banks and Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries (Including Stock Brokers) Engaged in Trust and Fund Management Operations
In connection with a study being undertaken by the Central Bank on trust and fund management operations, all banks and non-bank financial intermediaries (including stock brokers) engaged in trust and/or fund management operations are hereby requested to furnish the appropriate supervising and examining department on or before July 31, 1976 the information/data/documents indicated in Annex "A" hereof. LLphil
Please submit these requested information/data/documents in duplicate (i.e., one original and one duplicate), duly certified to by an authorized officer.
We trust for your usual cooperation in this undertaking.
I. Please submit sample formats/copies of the following:
(those currently used)
1. Standard forms of trust indentures or fund management contracts/agreements.
2. a) Organization chart of the trust department/fund management operations office, attaching thereto a brief summary of the duties and responsibilities of each officer and employee, as well as the minimum qualifications and training or experience required for trust officers and fund managers.
3. Chart of Accounts for the...