DV Boer Farm Corp.



The Commission has received information that individuals or groups of persons representing DV BOER FARM CORPORATION (DV Boer) are enticing the public to invest in the said entity online and through walk-in solicitations.

Based on the information communicated and gathered by the Commission, DV Boer is engaged in soliciting investments where an investor may invest in the following "Pa-iwi Programs":

• Goat Dairy Pa-iwi Program

a. A 36-month Pa-iwi

b. Costs Php160,000.00 CAIHTE

c. 15 heads of goats shall be purchased for the investor

d. With the following payouts:

i. 12th month for Php22,500

ii. 20th month for Php45,000

iii. 28th month for Php45,000

iv. 36th month for Php45,000

v. Thereafter, a salvage value of Php75,000

e. A total of 15% interest per annum

• Goat Meat Pa-Iwi Program

a. A 35-month Pa-iwi

b. Costs Php160,000

c. 15 heads of goats shall be purchased for the investor

d. The payouts will be received on the following:

i. 11th month for Php22,500

ii. 19th month for Php45,000

iii. 27th month for Php45,000

iv. 35th month for Php45,000

v. Thereafter, a salvage value of Php75,000

e. A total of 15% interest per annum DETACa

• Chicken Breeding Program


AIC Grande Tower Garnet Road
Ortigas Center, Pasig City
Metro Manila Philippines

Mobile No. +639451244898