The public is hereby warned of the unauthorized investment-taking activities undertaken by FAST TRACK WORLDWIDE, INC. ("FTW")
Based on investigation conducted by EIPD, FTW is engaged in unauthorized investment taking activities in violation of Section 8 (8.1) of the Securities Regulation Code (SRC). Its activities as a corporate entity is thus beyond the scope of its purpose as approved by the Commission and in violation of the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines for being ultra vires.
FTW was duly registered with the Commission as a stock corporation on February 18, 2019 under Company Registration No. CS201902428. The Company, however, has not been issued a permit to publicly offer or sell securities nor has it filed a registration statement on any type of securities for approval by the Commission. Neither has it been issued a license to act as broker or dealer in securities nor has any of its agents been licensed to act as salesmen of securities.
Its Articles of Incorporation indicate that the company was organized by incorporators Jay Gregorio,...