[SEC-SICD * CASE NO. 5443. September 1, 1998.]
RAMON DE LEON, ET AL., petitioners,vs. PEPITO BRILLANTES, ET AL., respondents.
Petitioners in the instant case sought action of this Commission praying that the respondents be ordered to make accounting of all the funds collected by them from the drivers/operators; declaring as unlawful and unreasonable the increase in membership fees and daily contributions; enjoining the respondents from collecting membership fees and daily contributions and boundary terminal fees; ordering the revocation of the certificate of registration of the association, and. allowing the petitioners to organize themselves into another non-stock corporation. prcd
Records of the case showed that the Petitioners are bonafide members of the PRC PASONG TAMO MANTRADE DRIVERS & OPERATORS ASSOCIATION, INC., (PASODA, for short), a non-stock, non profit corporation duly registered under existing laws.
The respondents on the other hands are likewise members of PASODA. They are being sued in their capacity as incumbent members of the Board of Trustees and corporate officers of the Association.
It appears from the record that PASODA was...