The Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") has received numerous information regarding the activities of RIGHT CIRCLE TRADING, INC.
Based on the information gathered by the Commission, RIGHT CIRCLE TRADING, INC. has been enticing the public to invest in the said entity online or through the internet via any of its "COMPENSATION PLANS" ("20 days plan" and "30 days plan") with promised BONUS (Unilevel Outright Direct Referral Bonus).
The public is hereby informed that any offering to the public which involves investment of money in a common enterprise with the expectation of profits primarily from the efforts of others, constitutes an investment contract, a form of securities that needs to be registered with the Commission. Thus, the public is hereby WARNED that selling or offering for sale of such investments are considered as selling or offering for sale of securities subject to the regulatory authority of this Commission.
Based on the information gathered, RIGHT CIRCLE TRADING, INC. has posted in its Facebook account a Certificate of Incorporation allegedly issued by the Commission dated July 2016. However, based...