Submission of Reports by Banks Acting as Underwriters, Brokers, Dealers and Transfer Agents of Securities

January 7, 2015


SUBJECT:Submission of Reports by Banks Acting as Underwriters, Brokers, Dealers and Transfer Agents of Securities

The Monetary Board, in its Resolution No. 1837 dated 13 November 2014, approved the following guidelines governing the submission of reports by banks authorized to perform underwriting, brokering, dealing and transfer agency activities under relevant laws such as Presidential Decree No. 129, Republic Act (R.A.) No. 8791, R.A. No. 8799, R.A. No. 245, R.A. No. 1000 and the rules and regulations issued to interpret the same.

SECTION 1. Subsection X192.3 of the Manual of Regulations for Banks (MORB) is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Subsec. X192.3. Submission of certain required information.

a. Banks shall submit to the appropriate department of the SES the following:

(1) Information on bank's profile required in Appendix 7. Any change in any of the required information submitted, after the initial submission, shall be reported to the said department immediately.

(2) Any or all of the documents/information on bank's organization structure and operational policies enumerated in Appendix 8. Any subsequent change/issuance should...

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