Amended by
Executive Orders

Creating A Cordillera Administrative Region, Appropriating Funds Therefor and For Other Purposes.

Executive Order No. 220

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 220 July 15, 1987


WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 1, Article X of the 1987 Constitution, there shall be created an autonomous region in the Cordilleras;

WHEREAS, Section 15, Article X of the Constitution provides that the autonomous region in the Cordilleras shall consist of provinces, cities, municipalities and geographical areas sharing common and distinctive historical and cultural heritage, economic and social structures, and other relevant characteristics within the framework of the Constitution and the national sovereignty as well as territorial integrity of the Republic of the Philippines;

WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 6, Article XVIII of the Constitution, the President has the power to continue to exercise legislative powers until the first Congress is convened;

WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 14, Article X of the Constitution, the President shall provide for regional development councils or other similar bodies composed of local government officials, regional heads of departments and other government offices, and representatives from non-governmental...

Summary of Executive Order No. 220

Creation of Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR):
- Sec. 1: Creates the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR).
- Sec. 2: Territorial coverage includes provinces of Abra, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga-Apayao, Mt. Province, and Baguio City. Seat is Baguio City until decided otherwise by Cordillera Executive Board (CEB).

Purposes of CAR (Sec. 3):
- Administer government affairs in the region as defined in Sec. 4 and 5.
- Accelerate economic and social growth and development of units in the region.
- Prepare for establishment of autonomous region in the Cordilleras.

Scope of Authority and Responsibility of CAR (Sec. 4):
- Regional administrative system.
- Economic, social, and cultural development.
- Agricultural, commercial, industrial development, and tourism promotion.
- Infrastructure development.
- Urban and rural development, protection of ancestral domain, and land reform.
- Regional educational system, including establishing institutions and formulating policies to cultivate indigenous cultures and values.
- Health, sports, welfare, and social services.
- Development of indigenous laws, political institutions, direct democracy, collective leadership, and conflict resolution processes.
- Preservation and enhancement of indigenous customs, traditions, languages, and cultures.
- Strengthening of bodong system of tribal unity and cooperation.
- Protection and preservation of cultural identity, values, mores, and norms of ethno-linguistic groups.
- Promotion of social justice and protection of human rights, particularly for women, children, elderly, disadvantaged groups, and people's organizations.
- Other matters authorized by law or delegated by the President for general welfare.

Powers and Functions of CAR (Sec. 5):
- Coordinate planning and implementation of programs and services in areas enumerated in Sec. 4.
- Appoint, supervise, control, and discipline personnel of CAR and other offices funded by it.
- Manage and control funds, facilities, and equipment appropriated for CAR.
- Advise National Government on matters affecting Cordilleras.
- Undertake studies towards codifying customary laws of tribes, including pagtas of bodong system.
- Promulgate and implement resolutions, rules, and regulations necessary to achieve purposes and carry out powers and functions of CAR.

Peace and Regional Security (Sec. 6):
- Restoration and maintenance of peace within the region is a major concern of CAR.
- Regional security force shall be organized to assist in defense and security of the region, subject to guidelines issued by the President after consultations with CAR, other organizations, and appropriate government agencies.
- Defense and security of the region is the responsibility of the National Government.

Structure of CAR (Sec. 7):
- Cordillera Regional Assembly and Cordillera Executive Board.

Cordillera Regional Assembly (Sec. 8):
- Policy-formulating body to articulate and harmonize interests and aspirations of people of Cordilleras.
- Composed of not more than 250 representatives appointed according to guidelines:
- Each municipality has 1 representative.
- Baguio City has 10 representatives.
- Non-governmental organizations have 18 representatives (12 from major NGOs, 6 from province-based NGOs).
- Each tribe has 1 representative chosen in a manner consonant with Constitution and indigenous decision-making processes.
- Headed by a Chairman appointed by the President from among its members.
- President appoints members from NGOs, municipalities, and Baguio City upon nomination of respective councils.

Sessions of Assembly (Sec. 9):
- Convenes once every year for a 5-day regular session starting on April 25, with a regular session in 1987.
- Chairman may call special sessions as necessary, or upon initiative of majority of members.
- During regular session, Assembly shall:
- Discuss annual report of Executive Board and proposed budget for CAR.
- Initiate plans and programs for Cordilleras.
- Discuss and resolve inter-tribal issues and conflicts.
- Formulate policies affecting Cordilleras consistent with national and local laws.
- Identify priority projects and development programs for the region.
- Decisions of Assembly implemented by Cordillera Executive Board.

Cordillera Executive Board (Sec. 10):
- Development body and implementing arm of CAR.
- 29 regular members appointed by the President:
- Mayor of Baguio City and 5 Governors of provinces.
- 6 representatives from Cordillera Bodong Administration, including its chief executive.
- 12 representatives from different ethno-linguistic groups in Cordillera.
- 5 representatives from non-governmental organizations.
- Regional directors of line departments of National Government are non-voting ex-officio members.

Executive Director (Sec. 11):
- Cordillera Executive Board headed by a full-time Executive Director appointed by the President from among its regular members.
- Functions:
- Act on behalf of the President as Chief Executive Officer of CAR.
- Preside over meetings of Executive Board.
- Initiate proposed budget and annual report for CAR for approval of Executive Board.
- Supervise, control, and discipline personnel of Executive Board and other offices funded by it.
- Coordinate and supervise Executive Committees and Cordillera Bodong Administration.
- Perform other functions assigned by law, the President, Cordillera Regional Assembly, or Executive Board.

Executive Committees (Sec. 12):
- Cordillera Executive Board may create executive committees to assist in implementation of powers and functions.
- Each committee headed by a member of Executive Board.

Cordillera Bodong Administration (CBA) (Sec. 13):
- Incorporated into CAR as a commission, referred to as CBA.
- In territorial units where effective, CBA shall have the following powers and responsibilities:
- Promote respect for customs and usages of tribes concerned.
- Foster unity among various communities in Cordilleras and promote regional confederation.
- Observe traditional practice of direct democracy and collective leadership in Cordilleras within context and harmony with administrative mechanisms of National Government.
- Preserve and develop communal social order and economic system.
- Perform all functions of Executive Committees.
- Perform other functions determined by Executive Board.
- Definition and identification of territorial units of CBA submitted to and confirmed by Executive Board and adopted by Assembly.
- CBA supervised by and responsible to Cordillera Executive Board.

CBA Budget (Sec. 14):
- CAR, through Executive Board, shall allocate part of its budget for operation of CBA.

Compensation (Sec. 15):
- Chairman and members of Assembly, Executive Director and members of Executive Board shall receive allowances and per diems determined by the President in accordance with existing laws and regulations.
- City mayor and governors who are members of Board shall receive additional emoluments as allowed by law.
- Chairman of Assembly shall receive additional allowances necessary to perform functions of office.
- Executive Director and heads of Executive Committees shall receive annual compensation determined by Executive Board.

Civil Service Rules and Regulations (Sec. 16):
- For purposes of CAR, exemptions from Civil Service rules and regulations may be provided by Civil Service Commission.

Period of Existence (Sec. 17):
- CAR and its Assembly and Executive Board shall exist until autonomous regional government established and organized under organic act passed by Congress in accordance with Section 18, Article X of the Constitution.

Term of Office (Sec. 18):
- Term of office of members and officers of Assembly and Executive Board coterminous with period of existence of CAR.
- City mayor, governors, and regional directors hold office as members of Executive Board only during term for which they were elected and/or appointed.

Rules of Procedures (Sec. 19):
- Assembly and Executive Board shall adopt by majority vote their own rules of procedure, rules and regulations on discipline and privileges, and rules and regulations regarding internal organization, sessions, meetings, and quorum.

Projects (Sec. 20):
- CAR, through Executive Board, shall monitor implementation of all ongoing national and local government projects in the region within purview of Sec. 5(a).

Appropriations and Funds (Sec. 21):
- 5 million pesos appropriated from available funds of National Treasury for operation of CAR for fiscal year 1987.
- Annual appropriation for its budget shall be included in General Appropriations Act thereafter.
- President and appropriate national departments and agencies shall make available sources of funds for priority physical, social, and economic development programs and projects as recommended by CAR.
- Collection, custody, use, and disbursement of public funds in CAR governed by resolutions, rules, and regulations of Executive Board consonant with national laws, rules, and regulations.

Taxes and Resources (Sec. 22):
- CAR shall receive equitable share of taxes and other government revenues generated in CAR territorial coverage.
- As part of BIR allotment in the region, CAR and local government units within territorial coverage shall have at least 50% share of such taxes and other government revenues, distributed as follows:
- 10% to barangays
- 10% to municipalities
- 15% to provinces or cities
- 15% to CAR
- President shall direct Department of Finance and appropriate national departments and agencies to coordinate with CAR to ensure proper implementation of equitable sharing.

Grants, Donations, Gifts (Sec. 23):
- Within framework of pertinent laws and regulations, CAR authorized to receive grants, donations, or gifts.
- Such grants, donations, or gifts shall be administered, obligated, and disbursed in accordance with terms thereof, or in absence of terms, in manner determined by majority of Executive Board.

Relationship with National Government (Sec. 24):
- President has power of general supervision over CAR and local government units therein and shall issue appropriate guidelines.
- President may call upon appropriate executive departments and agencies of National Government to assist CAR as necessary.
- Executive Director shall submit semi-annual report to the President.

Transitory Provisions (Sec. 25):
- Executive Board shall conduct study on territorial coverage of Cordillera autonomous region to be established under organic act passed by Congress, which may include provinces, cities, municipalities, and geographic areas contiguous to territory defined in Sec. 2.
- President may call upon Assembly to assist in constituting Cordillera Regional Consultative Commission.
- CAR shall contribute in meaningful and appropriate manner to work of Cordillera Regional Consultative Commission and preparation of organic act by Congress for Cordillera autonomous region.
- Main offices of CAR shall be located at Cordillera House in Baguio City until otherwise determined by Cordillera Executive Board.

Separability Clause (Sec. 26):
- Provisions of Executive Order declared separable, and if any provision held unconstitutional, it shall not affect validity of other provisions.

Repealing Clause (Sec. 27):
- For purposes of CAR and for duration of its existence, all laws, acts, presidential decrees, executive orders, proclamations, and/or administrative regulations inconsistent with this Executive Order are repealed, amended, or modified accordingly.

Effectivity (Sec. 28):
- Executive Order takes effect immediately upon signing and publication as required by law.

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