Amended by
Executive Orders

Creating a Task Force to Undertake Land Assembly and Official Development Registry Activities in Declared Bagong Lipunan Sites and Urban Land Reform Zones

Executive Order No. 570

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 570 November 29, 1979


WHEREAS, Presidential Decree No. 1396 mandates the Ministry of Human Settlements with the management of urban development through the formulation of plans and programs and the implementation of projects for new town development and land assembly and real property management;

WHEREAS, the Ministry is consequently empowered under Presidential Decree No. 1517 to utilize land assembly and other innovative land acquisition techniques and to establish official developmental registries in areas declared as Urban Land Reform Zones and Bagong Lipunan Sites;

WHEREAS, there is a need to initiate the development of such Bagong Lipunan Sites and Urban Land Reform Zones, with the Lungsod Silangan site and its adjacent area being developed as a model;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, by the power vested in me by the Constitution do hereby order the following:

Sec. 1. There is hereby created...

Summary of Executive Order No. 570

Creation of Task Force
- A Task Force is created to undertake land assembly and official development registry activities in declared Bagong Lipunan Sites and Urban Land Reform Zones. (Sec. 1)
- The Task Force is placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Human Settlements. (Sec. 1)

Composition of Task Force
- The Task Force is composed of: (Sec. 2)
    - Deputy Minister, Ministry of Human Settlements (Chairman)
    - Commanding General, Philippine Constabulary (Member)
    - Director, Bureau of Lands (Member)
- The Task Force may involve the Land Registration Commission and local government executives in its committees. (Sec. 2, 5)

Functions of Task Force
- Undertake land assembly operations in Lungsod Silangan and its peripheral areas identified as Bagong Lipunan Sites and Urban Land Reform Zones. (Sec. 1a)
- Initiate establishment of official development registries in such areas as a basis for land acquisition and disposition. (Sec. 1b)
- Secure the area from squatting of any kind. (Sec. 1c)
- Utilize other innovative land acquisition techniques. (Sec. 1d)

Powers and Responsibilities of Task Force
- Set up temporary field offices to secure the area and implement rules and regulations related to security. (Sec. 3a)
- Set up temporary field offices of the Land Registration Commission to process land claims. (Sec. 3b)
- Designate and develop resettlement sites for displaced farmers and tenants. (Sec. 3c)
- Establish a public information office to liaise with tenants and farmers, and undertake promotion and publication of information. (Sec. 3d)
- Implement, supervise and monitor projects of the Human Settlements Development Corporation, National Housing Authority, and other related government agencies identified in the Lungsod Silangan Development Plan. (Sec. 3e)
- Identify other projects and sectoral programs necessary for the development of Lungsod Silangan. (Sec. 3f)
- Contract with international and local specialists, academic authorities, and institutions for research and consultancy services related to human settlements problems. (Sec. 3g)
- Establish and supervise a working staff to keep records, abstracts, collate and synthesize studies of the area's development. (Sec. 3h)
- Determine qualifications, fix compensation, appoint, discipline, and remove employees, subject to the Office of Compensation and Position Classification. (Sec. 3i)
- Apply for, receive and accept grants or donations of equipment, materials or services, which shall be exempt from gift taxes and deductible from the net taxable income of the grantor or donor. (Sec. 3j)
- Adopt rules and procedures for its governance. (Sec. 3k)
- Undertake and perform other activities assigned by the President. (Sec. 3l)

Duties and Responsibilities of Task Force Chairman
- Preside over meetings of the Task Force. (Sec. 4a)
- Hire and maintain working group staff or personnel. (Sec. 4b)
- Administer, obligate, and disburse appropriations, gifts or donations upon approval by a majority of the members. (Sec. 4c)
- Constitute continuing ad hoc committees consisting of members and experts to assist the Task Force. (Sec. 4d)
- Call upon the Land Registration Commission and the Bureau of Lands to complete data requirements, with operational expenses charged to their existing appropriations. (Sec. 4e)
- Receive gifts or donations in whatever form and from whatever source. (Sec. 4f)

- The Task Force shall create committees to assist it in its tasks and functions, with membership of concerned and affected local governments and local government entities. (Sec. 5)

Assistance from Government Agencies
- The Task Force shall have the power to call upon any ministry, bureau, office, agency or instrumentality of the government for assistance as it may require. (Sec. 6)

- TEN MILLION PESOS (P10,000,000) is appropriated for the operations of the Task Force for calendar year 1979, to be released through the Ministry of Human Settlements. (Sec. 7)
    - P2,000,000 for current operating expenditures
    - P8,000,000 for capital outlay needs of the development of the area
- For succeeding calendar years, budgetary requirements shall be provided for in the General Appropriations Act. (Sec. 7)

Operating Expenses and Capital Expenditures
- Operating expenses and capital expenditures incurred by national government agencies for implementation of projects and programs in the area shall be charged to the budgetary appropriations of the implementing agencies or other applicable appropriations, subject to provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1177, Section 21. (Sec. 8)

- The Task Force shall submit a report of its accomplishments to the President within sixty (60) days upon approval of this Order, and quarterly thereafter. (Sec. 9)

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