Amended by
Executive Orders

Establishing an Occupational Safety and Health Center in the Employees' Compensation Commission

Executive Order No. 307



WHEREAS, there is an imperative need to upgrade the capability of the Government to eliminate or reduce work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths which have resulted in huge economic losses in terms of man-hours, destruction of property and more expenditure for employees' compensation, not to mention the untold suffering of victims of industrial accidents and their families;

WHEREAS, the effective implementation of occupational health and safety programs will enhance significantly the productivity of industries, a critical factor in the attainment of national developmental goals, and at the same time, promote the health, efficiency and general well-being of the Filipino worker through the improvement of the quality of his working life;

WHEREAS, there is a need to establish an expert industrial disease and occupational safety intelligence and training center that will provide the mechanisms in the achievement of the objectives set forth in the issuance;

WHEREAS, the Government of Japan through Japan Internal Cooperation Agency...


Establishes an Occupational Safety and Health Center in the Employees' Compensation Commission with the following provisions:

- Purpose and Rationale (Preamble):
• Upgrade government capability to eliminate or reduce work-related injuries, illnesses, and deaths.
• Enhance productivity and promote health, efficiency, and well-being of Filipino workers.
• Establish an expert center for industrial disease, occupational safety intelligence, and training.
• Utilize grant-aid and technical cooperation from Japan.

- Establishment and Functions (Sec. 1-2):
• Establishes the Occupational Safety and Health Center within the Employees' Compensation Commission. (Sec. 1)
• Functions of the Center: (Sec. 2)
    • Conduct studies and research on occupational safety and health, including causal connections between diseases and occupations, and medical criteria for impairment or diminution in health. (Sec. 2a)
    • Plan, develop, and implement training programs in occupational safety and health. (Sec. 2b)
    • Serve as a clearinghouse for information and innovative methods, and disseminate information to the public. (Sec. 2c)
    • Monitor working environments, conduct medical examinations of workers exposed to hazardous substances, and detect occupational diseases. (Sec. 2d)
    • Undertake practical testing and set standards for personal protective and safety devices. (Sec. 2e)
    • Assist government agencies in formulating policies and standards on occupational safety and health, and issue technical guidelines. (Sec. 2f)
    • Adopt an annual budget chargeable against the State Insurance Fund, not exceeding 4% of the 12% loading fund based on the total fund and earnings as of December 31st of the preceding year. (Sec. 2g)
    • Perform other acts for attainment of the Center's purposes and enforcement of the Executive Order. (Sec. 2h)
    • Enlist assistance from government agencies and private organizations. (Sec. 2i)

- Governance and Management (Sec. 3-5):
• The Employees' Compensation Commission shall be the governing body of the Center. (Sec. 3)
• The Executive Director, appointed by the President, shall conduct operations and management under the supervision of the Employees' Compensation Commission. The Executive Director and a chief expert from Japan International Cooperation Agency shall sit as non-voting members of the Board. (Sec. 4)
• The technical staff and other personnel shall be appointed by the Employees' Compensation Commission upon recommendation of the Executive Director. (Sec. 5)

- Location (Sec. 6):
• The Center shall be located at North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, on a two-hectare lot owned by the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, Department of Labor and Employment. (Sec. 6)

- Funding (Sec. 7):
• The Social Security System (SSS) and Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) shall immediately release THIRTY MILLION PESOS (P30,000,000.00) from the loading fund of the State Insurance Fund and its earnings, with a 70% share for SSS and 30% for GSIS, as the initial funds for calendar year 1987. (Sec. 7)
• Thereafter, SSS and GSIS shall remit to the Center, on the same sharing basis, the amount corresponding to its annual budget. (Sec. 7)

- Implementation (Sec. 8-9):
• The Employees' Compensation Commission shall issue rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this Executive Order. (Sec. 8)
• This Executive Order shall take effect immediately. (Sec. 9)

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