Amended by
Executive Orders

Reorganization of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports Prescribing Its Powers and Functions and for Other Purposes

Executive Order No. 117

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 117 January 30, 1987


RECALLING that the reorganization of the government is mandated expressly in Article II, Section 1 (a) and Article III of the Freedom Constitution;

HAVING IN MIND that, pursuant to Executive Order No. 5 (1986), it is directed that necessary and proper changes in the organization and functional structures of the government, its agencies and instrumentalities, be effected in order to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of public services;

CONSIDERING that education is a basic responsibility of the States as ordained in the Constitution.

TAKING NOTE that, in order to accomplish such responsibility, and guarantee an efficient and effective delivery of public services, it is imperative to reorganize and strengthen the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports;

REALIZING that it is also necessary to redefine the mandate, powers and functions of the same Ministry to avoid any overlapping and to fix responsibilities...


Reorganization of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports

• Declares the policy of the State to use education as an instrument for national development, promote equality of access to education, and enrich cultural communities. (Sec. 3)

• Mandates the Ministry to formulate, plan, implement, and coordinate policies, plans, programs, and projects in formal and non-formal education at all levels, supervise all educational institutions, and provide for an integrated education system relevant to national development goals. (Sec. 4)

• Outlines the powers and functions of the Ministry in the areas of: (Sec. 5)
- Elementary, secondary, physical, and international education
- Non-formal and vocational/technical education
- Higher education
- Development of culture
- Foreign and locally assisted projects related to the above areas

• Establishes the structural organization of the Ministry, consisting of the Ministry Proper, Bureaus, and Regional Offices. (Sec. 6)

• Defines the composition and functions of the Ministry Proper, including: (Sec. 7)
- Office of the Minister
- Planning Service
- Financial and Management Service
- Administrative Service
- Human Resources Development Service (newly created)
- Technical Service

• Vests the authority and responsibility for the Ministry's mandate and functions in the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, who shall be appointed by the President. (Sec. 8)

• Provides for the appointment of five Deputy Ministers by the President, each responsible for specific areas of responsibility. (Sec. 10)

• Outlines the functions of the following Bureaus: (Secs. 11-16)
- Bureau of Elementary Education
- Bureau of Secondary Education
- Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education
- Bureau of Higher Education
- Bureau of Non-Formal Education (formerly Bureau of Continuing Education)
- Bureau of Physical Education and School Sports (formerly Bureau of Sports Development)

• Lists the agencies attached to the Ministry, including the National Museum, National Library, National Historical Institute, and Institute of Philippine Languages (formerly Institute of National Language). (Sec. 17)

• Identifies the agencies supervised and controlled by the Ministry, including the Health and Nutrition Center and the National Education Testing and Research Center (formerly National Education Testing Center). (Sec. 18)

• Reorganizes and integrates certain agencies into other units, such as the Child and Youth Research Center, Population Center, Foreign Students and Programs Assistance Unit, and National Scholarship and Student Loan Center. (Sec. 19)

• Maintains the attachment of certain agencies to the Ministry, including the Instructional Materials Corporation, Instructional Materials Council, Educational Development Projects Implementing Task Force, Educational Assistance Policy Council, National Social Action Council, National Board for Teachers, Boy Scouts of the Philippines, and Girl Scouts of the Philippines. (Sec. 20)

• Mandates the Minister to govern state colleges and universities through their boards of trustees. (Sec. 21)

• Reactivates the Board of Higher Education to articulate policies and support frameworks for public and private post-secondary education. (Sec. 22)

• Authorizes the establishment of Regional Offices in each administrative region, headed by Regional Directors and Assistant Regional Directors, responsible for implementing the Ministry's policies, programs, and projects within their respective regions. (Sec. 23)

• Provides for the transition and appointment of officers and employees under the new structure and staffing pattern, as well as separation benefits for those not reappointed. (Sec. 24)

• Requires the Ministry to formulate and enforce a system for measuring and evaluating its performance periodically and objectively, and submit an annual report to the President. (Sec. 25)

• Mandates compliance with notice or consent requirements for organizational changes that may prejudice third-party rights or contracts. (Sec. 26)

• Provides for the change of nomenclatures in the event of the adoption of a new Constitution with a presidential form of government. (Sec. 27)

• Prohibits changes to the prescribed organization without prior approval from the President for promoting efficiency and effectiveness in public service delivery. (Sec. 28)

• Allocates funding for the implementation of the Executive Order from available funds in the Ministry. (Sec. 29)

• Authorizes the Minister to issue rules, regulations, and other issuances necessary for the effective implementation of the Executive Order. (Sec. 30)

• Includes a separability clause to preserve the validity of remaining provisions if any portion is declared unconstitutional. (Sec. 31)

• Repeals or modifies laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and other issuances inconsistent with the Executive Order. (Sec. 32)

• Sets the immediate effectivity of the Executive Order upon approval. (Sec. 33)

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